Unlocking Grace & Hope:
A Weekend of Episcopal Evangelism
Sept. 24-26, 2021
We seek, name and celebrate Jesus’ loving presence in the stories of all people – then invite everyone to MORE.
Saturday Workshops
We are pleased to offer recordings of our Saturday workshops during our conference.
Click on title to access recording.
Morning Session 1: Jerusalem Greer.
Morning Session 2: Jerusalem Greer
Overcoming the Fear of Failure in Ministry: Rev. Lorenzo Lebrija and David Zahl
Making Youth Ministry Work in a Parish Setting: Rev. Matthew Lindeman
How to Engage Young Adults in Ministry: Rev. Dr. Paul Carling
Overcoming Objections to Evangelism: Rev. Dr. Titus Presler
Teaching the Bones to Sing: Dent Davidson
In Search of Our Sound: Rev. Dr. Rick Bauer
Finding Faith Messages and Faith Messengers in Unexpected Places: Holly & Joe Fortner
Our Saturday Evening Red Door Concert, featuring Valley Voices,
Dent Davidson, Rick Bauer, and Blind Date, offered as a playlist.
For more information, contact:
John Terauds: johnterauds@outlook.com
Joseph Fortner: fortner1@comcast.net
Holly Winger Fortner: hwinger@comcast.net
St. Mary's evangelism email: graceandhopevt@gmail.com